Cracking The Game Of Thrones Character’s WordPress Theme Code!


On Game Of Thrones Winter has finally come! The Wall has been broken by the White Walkers with a dragon under their command, and Westeros’s destiny is now in the hands of a Stark bastard, a faceless girl, a heavy drinking dwarf, a boy-turned-Raven, a red-headed schemer, and the Mother of Dragons.

We are still waiting to see, What happens next, and this excitement raised when the news of Season 8 release aired. Till this season comes with more reveals and wars let’s just be connected with our favorite and most famous GOT characters while doing the website development job!

Though GOT writer feels amazing in killing the character most loved by the fans, we have tried to set them alive till this Digital Era, so let’s see what theme would these characters be choosing for their websites…

1. Cersei Lannister – The Queen


She is the most devious,  zealous, and powerful Queen, who believes to achieve everything she goals and will crush anything or anyone that comes in her way. In this world, she would love to have a startup and wouldn’t stop until it became a multimillion dollar company. Aspero is the theme ideal for giving her business a kick-start

White Label WordPress Agency

This WordPress Theme is for modern businesses and is optimized for innovative and creative companies. It’s a great canvas with a clean design and compatible WooCommerce plugins

2. Sansa Stark – Lady of Winterfell

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Raised as a Lady in Winterfell, have an interest in music, singing, poetries. She never seemed to care about the cruel happenings in her world being a sensitive and traditional girl she only dreams about a ritualistic and grand wedding with a prince charming of her dreams, so in the modern world, we will help her marrying the right guy through a wedding website

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This theme has a gentle, colorful and responsive design best suiting for wedding websites and also can be customized in real-time mode. It has a wide range of Google web fonts.

3. Arya Stark – Faceless Girl

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Unlike her sister Sansa, she is born a fighter, a girl who hates the stereotypes of the society and rebels them, she was trained as a Faceless Man, and with skill, she brings them down who have wronged her family to the justice. She would become a trainer who will teach women to be brave with the ideal website template we chose for her. Kudos to her Women Empowerment!

Psd to WordPress Conversion

The theme has multiple color schemes and other notable features like unique menu, swipe gallery, a variety of customizable shortcode and much more.

4. Daenerys Targaryen – The Mother of Dragons

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A stunning and beautiful girl who is always ready to face off her problems and take the responsibility of people who believes in her, she is their “mother”. But not just people! She is the mothers of three dragons also whom she raised and take care, today the pet care website theme would be the best suiting for her business.

Custom WordPress Development Services

This theme supports custom background image and is perfect to display pet-related products online, It is also translation ready and has full localization support.

5. Jon Snow – The Watcher on the Wall

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Born as Ned Stark’s bastard in Winterfell, gone through guilts and taunts. But still tries to do everything right, support the weak and keeps his promises, also never breaks his Vows as a Night’s Watch. We will keep him a watcher only in the modern world, and here is the best theme for his work today.

Civic: Watch Store Responsive OpenCart Theme for Jon Snow

This Opencart theme is organized so it naturally adjusts to the screen size of a gadget being utilized with no bending of any of the theme components.

6. Melisandre – The Red Women

Melisandre is an incredible mystical performer who has no match on the show. She looks youthful in spite of being a couple of hundreds of years old, breathes life into the dead back, drinks toxin and remains alive… Today, she would turn into a contender to great magicians. Also, here’s the theme she would use to begin her vocation in the realm of enchantment and attract audiences online.

Magic: Multipurpose Creative WordPress Theme for Melisandre

Magic is a multipurpose WordPress theme stuffed with 4 ready to-utilize skins and 7 landing page designs. It comes coordinated with Revolution Slider to make amazing, skillfully vivified slideshows.

Finally, we made these GOT characters live with us today and very successfully doing their businesses. Hope you agree with our choice of themes for them and also you have already chosen the one best for you too!

If not yet then just handle this task to our experts at Psds2wp to develop the best ever WordPress Website for you.

Maybe, you have different ideas of the business that would have fit your most loved character? Feel free to comment below!



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